Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pain in my neck

Kali is coming for you.

To the a-hole who hit our car this morning near Jay St. and Flatbush, thanks. You left a piece of your car in the intersection in your hurry to speed away from the scene of your crime. I hope it was a crucial, expensive piece. I'm not wishing for your injury but who can argue with karma?


Adairdevil said...

I feel like the whole "not wishing for your injury" thing would be more convincing if you hadn't illustrated the entry with a picture of Kali wearing a necklace of heads and carrying a bloodied blade (and another head).

Hope the pain in your neck is strictly figurative.

Anonymous said...

What a tool! Tell Slick to get well soon and not let the dents get him/her down.

Flushy McBucketpants said...

seriously? hit and run? i hope you guys are OK and that the guy that hit you has a port-a-potty fall on him.