Sing, goddess of the wrath of...'The Iliad' by Michael Kors.
I haven't decided whether this is the best or the worst classical allusion I've ever seen.
Why the Iliad?
Maybe it's the epic lines? (Paeans will be sung to these shoes)
The timeless hero legend? (We catch up with one brave woman, in media res, as she spends one full day in these shoes: a morning commute, work (with no kicking off of shoes under her desk) out at night to play and down the rabbit hole, home to Brooklyn, on the train)
The clash of egos? (see above woman vs. Michael Kors, now that I've seen him on Project Runway, I have no doubt I can take him)
It's a beautiful poem, and a beautiful shoe. That's all we need to say.
Happy weekend!
Listening to: The sound of my stomach rumbling (forgot lunch in storm of thrift shopping) and The National. V. good.
Doing this weekend: The Met, again. Dinners and sedateness as opposed to last weekend's hungover haze with my sister.
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