Like a tender kiss from Corleone. Sorry, Joe. If you weren't into it (I see indecision in your face), you shouldn't have made out with him out of pity. Any 14-year-old could have told you that.
Musings about life framed by an endless search for the perfect dhal recipe.
That's not indecision. Look at that side of his mouth quirking up, the gentle yet knowing look in his eyes. This is a make-up kiss. Let me tell you how it goes, because it's the same every time: Bush looks into Joe's eyes, and lies those pretty lies, and pretty soon Joe's wonderin' how he came to doubt Bush. All he's gotta do is smile that smile, and there go all Joe's defenses. Just leave it up to Bush and in a little while, he's messing up Joe's mind, and filling up Joe's senses. Here Bush comes again, looking better than a preznit has a right to, and shaking Joe up so that all Joe really knows is here Bush comes again . . and here Joe goes.
you're right. he's putty in his soft soft hands. as our idol would say "I know how soft the President's hands are, I can only imagine how soft his lips are". Joe never had a chance.
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