Did you know that the saying egg-sucking (and the reverse, which I used to use as a pretty big insult as a kid, e.g. Your Red Rover technique sucks eggs!) can refer to the practice of dogs who steal eggs on chicken farms? Of the many things I've learned from Johnny Cash--Juarez is DANGEROUS, you can't build a luxury car from stolen car parts, and frost on cotton leaves means that you're in the South--this one is the most useful. Because while telling someone to go suck an egg (or eggs) can mean something really lewd, that's really not the way we meant it when we were screaming it in the schoolyard. And it's always nice to find a curse that doesn't involve fellatio. G.M., tormentor of my elementary school years, (sigh, did you know how much I loved you, with your puffy hair and yellow adidas shorts?) you're a dirty old egg-sucking dog!
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