I'm around for another little while longer! Thank you, American government (words that usually taste like ashes on my tongue). I'll keep spending, paying my taxes, having terrible health care coverage and loving it, and not be able to vote and living in a hovel in Brooklyn (what what) and you keep approving my visa applications, okay? Clearly a higher power wants this (see above).
You forgot to mention your vow to drink a Pimpjuice every day as long as your visa is valid. A Pimpjuice a day keeps the innies* away.
Soooooo glad you're going to be hanging around! Brooklyn's delicate balance would be thrown totall and irreparably out of whack if you left.
* I have no flipping idea what the law enforcement agents who work in immigration law are called. I went for "innies" 'cause of INS and 'cause, ironically, they are pusher-outers. (Hey, it's a more creative nickname than "j.lo" .)
Props to Jesus. And America.
yay! congrats!
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