Monday, April 09, 2007

Dark Victory, or a list of good things from the past 12 hours.

yes, i know this is from
Now, Voyager.

I like Dark Victory because of all the cool smoking and melodrama. Just because I quit smoking doesn't mean that I don't still love it. (Pause to pop a Commit lozenge in my mouth.)

I like the candy that has a hard candy/utensil that you lick and dip into a bunch of crystalline, flavoured sugar. Lick, dip,

I opposite-of-like puns (shut up to boyfriend, Blackfoot, and Will), lamb cooked in any form (sorry, newly-risen Jesus, for eating your flock) and any perfume that is supposed to smell like the 'Orient'.

I like Nightmare on Elm Street and flan and maybe, I like the Sopranos a little bit.

I thought that my first blog after having my identity corrupted by Google's lame bid to take over the world would be hard to write, but I forgot that I just have to talk about myself.

I like talking about myself.

1 comment:

Shiny said...

Please add veal to your list of not-likes, for it is also made of fatty, squishy baby-meat, and should not be eaten. Three reasons to never eat veal: a.) um, babymeat, b.) soft and tissuey, and c.) a first class ticket to the seventh circle of HELL.