Friday, February 29, 2008

You and Candy Mountain

I find that watching this once a day vastly improves one's chance of staying sane.

If you want to take this is an adorable, if dark, bit of video cheer, fine. I chose to believe that this must have been created by someone who has uncovered the essential truth underlying capitalist society. Sometimes workers work because of incentives. Sometimes, they work because they are tricked, lured by pink and purple lies, forced to travel down perilous paths and do things they never would have dreamed of doing while they were dozing in Candy Meadow, and finally, they are robbed of the one thing they have that is truly their own. Goodbye, kidney-shaped hope!

1 comment:

Shiny said...

Much like Adair's phenomenal "Face It Now" catchphrase, I feel that Charlie and the Candy Mountain has several choice taglines. Each possibility has multiple meanings...can you guess why they might be?

"Is the meadow on fire?"

"Shun the nonbeliever. Shhhunnn."

"Alright fine, I'll go into the freakin' candy cave."

Or perhaps, at certain moments, we just need to look each other in the eye and say, "Chaarrrlieee. Charrrlieee."