Who the hell gets cavities after the age of 11? Maybe you, if you have an all-pixie-stick-all-the-time habit or brush your teeth with lye and Coke. But unless smoking and angst rots your teeth, I think I'm getting a second opinion. That dark spot on my tooth could be anything.
p.s. Clearly, font is brown for rot.
p.p.s. Thanks, fucking Damien, with your number of the beast day. Suggest trying apocalyptic events on a grander scale than my teeth, unless my cavity will set in motion a chain of events that will result in rivers of fire and pestilence falling from the sky. That would be cool. Just do it before 6/19 because I would like to be spared the drilling.
p.p.p.s. Happy 30th, pkl. Yes, your birthday ranks lower than my cavity.
p.p.p.p.s. Must research connection between instant karma and cavities.
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