My roommate reminded me that Angelina Jolie was on Anderson Cooper tonight, so while watching a healthy dose of therapeutic Law & Order, I decided to flip to the inanity that is CNN during the commercials.
I know this is pretty heart-of-darkness, and I know that she is doing great things raising awareness in war-torn and poverty-stricken developing countries, but goddamn, she is annoying. Don't you think it takes away from the gravity of the situation when you constantly make reference to how the misfortunes of others makes you cherish what you have (hello, it's a lot) even more? And even though I know the dowager Anderson is omniscient and all-powerful, she still sounded a bit dumb in comparison. Well, Anderson said one idiotic thing, something like, "Don't you wish you could just tell the paparazzi who follow you around to just go to the Congo?". I don't mind him though, because I think fondly back on him tearing a strip off of Trent Lott's back for worrying about his mansion during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. And one more thing, the TWO HOUR special was called Angelina Jolie: Her MISSION and Motherhood (caps mine). Tacky CNN, as per usual.
I only saw about seven minutes, so maybe things got better or things got worse, but I was just glad I didn't have to hear about fucking Shiloh again. Fine, I'm bitter. But not because of Brad Pitt or your puffy lips or lesbian icon status. You may nor may not believe this, but a few months ago, after reading a dreadful book on civil war history, I decided the imaginary product of my imaginary love affair with my gbf (a la Doris Day-Rock Hudson but he's not as cute as Rock Hudson was and I'm cuter than Doris Day) should be named Shiloh.
You steal everything, Angelina.
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