Wednesday, October 22, 2008

'Republicans, also seem to 'have opted for an anti-mind strategy,' Mr. McCumber said, adding that some of them 'seem to be in denial of obvious facts, such as the theory of evolution. How can you support that as an academic?'"

This week in obvious news:
"Donors From Academe Favor Obama by a Wide Margin" (

Usually I'm a sucker for the underdog, but I don't feel a twinge of that when I think of Obama outstripping McCain in fundraising (8 to 1, what what! I actually tried to donate yesterday and you have to be a legal permanent resident or a citizen. I'm sure I could fudge it, but somehow I can see myself bringing down the entire Obama administration with my donation--I can see it now--"PENNYGATE: OBAMA'S MONEY FROM BROWN CANADIAN HONEY.") There's actually talk of whether he will be able to spend all that he has in his coffers in the next two weeks. That's a new one for me too. Usually the idea of politicians rolling around in big piles of money chaps my behind, but now I think I would feel fine about Obama making busts of himself out of cheese and adding them to our stimulus cheque care packages. Why not? Wisconsin is a swing state.

Speaking of the coming of the end-times, I'm looking forward to this.

1 comment:

Shiny said...

O my God, girl, he's too freaking cute. So sad he's but a teeny ween. Also, I think he's spraying on the hairline now. Still! So! Cute!